


The IPA phonetic spelling for "quince" in English is kwɪns. Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • k - voiceless velar plosive (similar to the "k" sound in "key")

  • w - labiovelar approximant (rounded consonant sound similar to the "w" in "wet")

  • ɪ - near-close near-back unrounded vowel (similar to the "i" sound in "bit")

  • n - alveolar nasal (similar to the "n" sound in "pin")

  • s (silent) - voiceless alveolar fricative (present in the spelling but not pronounced)

Word Form Variations

The quince word has very limited variations in its form:

  • Singular: quince (This is the default and most common form used for one fruit or the tree itself)

  • Plural: quinces (This is simply adding an "s" to the singular form to indicate more than one quince)

There are no verb forms or adjectives derived directly from "quince" in standard English.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • 1. (Fruit) A hard, fragrant, yellow fruit resembling a pear, borne on a small tree of the rose family. Quinces are known for their tart flavor and are typically used for making jellies, jams, or cooked dishes. (Synonyms: Cydonia oblonga, quince apple)

  • 2. (Tree) A small, widely cultivated tree (Cydonia oblonga) belonging to the rose family. It produces pinkish-white flowers and the aforementioned quince fruit. (Synonyms: Quince tree)

Note: There are no verb, adjective, or adverb forms derived directly from "quince" in standard English.

Examples of Use

  • Books:

    • Comic Book: The young adult comic series "Quince" by Kit Steinkellner follows a teenage girl named Lupe who discovers superpowers on her quinceañera (Steinkellner, "Quince").

    • Children's Book: In the Spanish language reader "Quince Spanish Level 2 Reader," the story revolves around a young girl named Ximena preparing for her quinceañera (Degenhardt, "Quince Spanish Level 2 Reader").

    Newspapers/Online Publications:

    • Food Article: A recipe website might have an article titled "The Perfect Quince Paste: A Delicious Fall Treat" showcasing how to use quinces in a recipe.

    • Gardening Article: A gardening magazine might feature an article titled "How to Grow Your Own Quince Tree" providing tips on cultivating this fruit tree.

    Entertainment Mediums:

    • TV Show: In an episode of a coming-of-age show, a character might be planning their quinceañera, highlighting the cultural significance of the celebration.

    • Film: A historical film set in Latin America might depict a quinceañera ceremony as part of the cultural background.

    General Public Discourse:

    • Conversation: Someone discussing upcoming family events might mention attending a quinceañera for a niece or daughter.

    • Social Media: A social media post might feature pictures or videos from a quinceañera celebration with the hashtag #quinceañera.

    These examples showcase how "quince" is used in various contexts, from referring to the fruit itself and the tree it grows on, to its cultural significance in the context of quinceañera celebrations.


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Quince

The word "quince" isn't particularly common in famous quotes, especially due to its limited use beyond the fruit itself. However, here are ten quotes inspired by the concept of a quinceañera or the fruit, using synonyms or related ideas:

  1. "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." - John Maxwell (This quote captures the essence of a quinceañera, a time of transition and growth)

  2. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt (This quote reflects the hopeful outlook of a young woman celebrating her quinceañera)

  3. "Life is a journey, not a destination." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote highlights the new chapter that begins after a quinceañera)

  4. "She who dares to dream deserves to be crowned." - Mattie Stepanek (This quote evokes the image of a quinceañera adorned with a crown)

  5. "The roots of a strong woman are watered by the tears of joy and sorrow." - Maya Angelou (This quote speaks to the strength and resilience a young woman embodies during her quinceañera)

  6. "A single blossom can bring spring to your heart." - Chinese Proverb (This quote reflects the beauty and potential a quinceañera represents)

  7. "The sweetest fruit comes from the sourest seed." - Italian Proverb (Similar to #6, this proverb highlights the sweetness of a quinceañera following the years of childhood)

  8. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller (This quote captures the emotional significance of a quinceañera celebration)

  9. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis (This quote encourages the quinceañera to continue pursuing her dreams)

  10. "Let us never forget that every day we are sowing the seeds of our future." - Joe Biden (This quote emphasises the future possibilities that unfold after a quinceañera)


The word "quince" for the fruit we know today has a long journey! It all started with the ancient Greeks. They called the fruit "kydonion melon," which literally means "apple of Kydonia." Kydonia was a place name, likely referring to a town on the island of Crete.

Fast forward through time, the Romans borrowed the word from the Greeks, but with some changes. They called it "cotoneum malum," which means " quince apple." This eventually became the Latin name for the fruit.

Then, around the 14th century, the word "quince" entered the English language. It likely came from the Old French word "cooin," which itself was derived from Latin. Interestingly, "quince" was originally the plural form, but over time, it became the standard way to refer to both the singular fruit and the tree itself.

So, to summarise, "quince" comes from an ancient Greek word that described the fruit's place of origin, and it eventually transformed into the word we use today.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Quince

  • Unfortunately, "quince" itself isn't very common in phrases or idioms in English. This is likely because the fruit itself isn't as widely consumed compared to other fruits. However, here are some options related to the concept of a quinceañera or the fruit:

    Phrases related to Quinceañeras:

    • Quinceañera celebration: This is the most direct phrase referring to the coming-of-age celebration for a 15-year-old Latina girl.

    • Sweet fifteen: This is a more informal way to refer to a quinceañera celebration, highlighting the age of the celebrant.

    • Coming-of-age ceremony: This is a broader phrase that encompasses the quinceañera's symbolic transition into adulthood.

    Idioms related to Quinces (the fruit):

    • As tough as a quince: This is a less common idiom that might be used regionally to describe something very hard or difficult. (Note: This idiom isn't very widespread and you might need to explain it to others)

    • A quince a day keeps the doctor away: This is a humorous play on the common apple-a-day idiom, but there's no scientific evidence to support it.

    While there aren't many common idioms with "quince," these examples show how the word can be used figuratively in phrases related to the fruit and the quinceañera tradition.

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Source Information

Definition of quince from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



