Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


Absolutism is a system of government in which the ruler has absolute power. This means that the ruler is not subject to any checks or balances, and his or her power is not limited by law or custom. Absolutism reached its peak in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries, but it began to decline in the late 18th century, as Enlightenment ideas about individual rights and the rule of law gained popularity. Today, there are no pure absolutist states left in the world, but there are still some countries where the ruler has a great deal of power.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "wonder" has a long and rich history. It comes from the Old English word "wundor", which means "marvelous thing, miracle, object of astonishment". The word "wonder" has been used in English for over 900 years, and it is still a common word today. It is often used to describe the feeling of amazement or curiosity that we experience when we encounter something new or unexpected.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


Identity is a complex concept that can be defined in many ways. It can refer to the qualities that make a person unique, such as their name, race, gender, religion, nationality, and experiences. It can also refer to a person's sense of self, or their understanding of who they are.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "hypersexual" is used to describe a condition characterized by an excessive or uncontrollable interest in sexual activity. There is no one agreed-upon definition of hypersexuality, but it is often used interchangeably with other terms such as "compulsive sexual behavior" and "sexual addiction". In this blog, we will explore the definition of hypersexuality, and the history behind the word.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


A brand today is more than just a logo or a name. It's the sum total of everything your customers experience when they interact with your company. Your brand is what makes you different from your competitors, and it's what keeps your customers coming back for more. Read this post to learn more about the term and its history.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "academia" comes from the Greek word Akademia, which was the name of a grove of trees and gymnasium outside of Athens where Plato taught. The word "academia" came into English in the 16th century, and it originally referred to Plato's school of philosophy. However, the meaning of the word has since broadened to refer to the world of higher education in general.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "persona" comes from the Latin word "persona," which originally meant "mask." In ancient Roman theater, actors would wear masks to represent different characters. The word "persona" came to be used more generally to refer to the public image or personality that someone presents to the world.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "expression" has a rich history and many different meanings. It can refer to a facial expression, a mathematical formula, or even a way of thinking. In this blog, we will explore the different meanings of the word "expression" and how it is used in different contexts. We will also discuss the etymology of the word and how its meaning has changed over time.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


Friendship is a precious bond that we all cherish. It is a relationship of mutual affection and trust, and it can provide us with love, support, and companionship. In this blog, we will explore the meaning of the term “friendship” as well as its history.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "symbol" has a long and rich history. It comes from the Greek word "symbolon," which means "token" or "sign." In ancient Greece, two people would break a piece of pottery in half and each person would keep one half. If they ever met again, they could show each other their pieces of pottery to prove that they were who they said they were.

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Terms and Definitions KIRU Terms and Definitions KIRU


The word "adversary" has a long and rich history, dating back to the mid-14th century. It originally referred to Satan, but it soon came to be used more generally to refer to any enemy or opponent. The word is still used today in both a literal and figurative sense.

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The Self-Exploration Academy (SEA) gives people from all backgrounds, interests and walks of life the tools to embrace, express and empower themselves with agency and confidence.