Our Children Deserve Better Education. Parents Can and Must Act Now. 

This issue of insufficiency, inaccuracy and possible lack of fundamental teaching in nonpublic and religious schooling is nothing new. For years, parents, local school authorities and departments of education have been in constant exchange on the matter of regulating the instructional materials of nonpublic schooling for children.

As upsetting as the news surrounding public and nonpublic education in The United States may be, instead of simply viewing it as a call to worry or a call to complain, Self Exploration Academy sees this as an opportunity and a call to take action and create real change. Now more than ever, parents need to know that there are opportunities to ensure their children have access to the education they need in order to be successful and productive citizens in their communities.

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Who is Going to Save Humanities?

One might suggest that it is merely optics, or poor marketing that is to be held accountable for the way the study of the liberal arts and humanities is viewed today. For some reason, fewer people seem eager to perceive the value of these fields than ever before, or at least since in the last 20 years or so. Then again, the world has changed a lot in the last 20 years.

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Current Events KIRU Current Events KIRU

Understaffed Public Schools Are a Problem. We Need a Solution Now.

The Institute of Education Sciences published new federal data this September, confirming the fact that 53% of all K-12 public schools in the United States felt understaffed and were experiencing difficulties in filling teaching positions for the 2022-23 school year.

We can build strategy for the next generation of students until we’re blue in the face, but no longer can we deny or delay a reality that persists. Understaffed public schools diminish institutional capacity for thorough, high quality education.

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The Economic Stress of Learning Loss During Covid May Far Outlive the Pandemic, Unless Relief Comes

The conclusion reached in the study by researchers at Harvard and Dartmouth recommends a federal pandemic relief investment of $190 billion to directly fund the reversal effort of learning loss in grade school math across the nation, however, whether or not the federal funding is supplied in time, there may now more than ever be an even stronger case for creating programs that help build integrative and deductive reasoning skills within young learners, who are soon to be the leaders of tomorrow whether they are ready by previously upheld standards or not.

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Current Events KIRU Current Events KIRU

How Will Students in Debt Find Relief? The Truth is, No One Really Knows.

According to the Education Data Initiative, “The average debt for a 4-year Bachelor’s degree is $34,100.” While that may not seem like a large sum at first glance, it tends to be a bigger deal than you might think. The general consensus is that students graduating from college with student loans should expect to be paying those loans off for the next 10 to 30 years of their lives.

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US Politics Seriously Impact the Way Students Understand and Communicate Identity

Tuesday November 06 marks another midterm election in the democratic system of the United States, and its impact on the way students will be able to develop their understanding and communication of identity is nothing to ignore.

Let’s explore three examples of how your vote impacts the learning outcomes of the next generation.

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SEA Mission Statement

The Self-Exploration Academy (SEA) gives people from all backgrounds, interests and walks of life the tools to embrace, express and empower themselves with agency and confidence.